When I began this 65th year journey, I never imagined I would consider taking mass-transit an adventure. But in Philadelphia, that’s exactly what it is!

Sherry and I have visited our daughter Cam in Philadelphia many times – but we usually use our car and park near whatever venue we are going to visit. I have never experienced the mass transit system run by SEPTA. If you are from NY, SEPTA is like the MTA – the overlords of (virtually) everything that moves. SEPTA means Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority. It was created in 1963 and is the nation’s sixth-largest public transportation system covering 280 miles of track. They serve five counties and run Regional Rail lines, Rapid Transit Lines, Trolleys, Buses and one line they consider a “high speed rail.”

Sincere apologies to my PA friends for the quotation marks, but although the top speed is 70 MPH, the average speed on this line is only 24 MPH – just goes to show you one man’s high speed is another’s snail.

On Tuesday, we arrived in Philly and decided we would head downtown from Cam’s place near Rittenhouse Square. So we hopped the T2 trolley one stop, did a free change to the Market-Frankford Line and poof, we arrived at the Liberty Bell. I had never been on a mass transit system before that mixed trolleys with subways, but somehow SEPTA makes it work. And it even, sorta makes sense.

While we were there we visited the Liberty Bell Center, took in the President’s House site, Chinatown and the Fashion District. Then we stopped for Ice cream, grocery shopping and reversed our commute to get back.

Overall it was a great visit, and now I know a little bit about getting around in Philly (and so do you)!