December, 2024

I am turning 65 in 2025 and am taking on the ambitious task of creating 65 adventures in my 65th year. It’s a bit of a four dimensional chess problem. In order to be successful we will need to juggle dates, activities, people and places. Not a simple task at all!

My First Challenge

Originally I tried to organize this effort using excel, but I needed something much more powerful, with calendar functions and visualization boards.

After a bit of searching, I discovered Notion, and after hunting around for about an hour, found a template designed for use in booking meetings and conference rooms. The template already supports groups of people (teams) and conference rooms (Locations) and events (dates), so it was capable of being adapted it to my purposes.

There was an initial learning curve, but I am enjoying the process so far and have a couple of dozen adventures sketched in so far.
Though – just for the record, using Notion does not count as an adventure, nor does building this website (even though both are new and learning – they both began prior to 2025)

Let’s make this real!