Hello friends,
I am inviting you to share a journey with me. My goal for 2025 is to experience at least 65 adventures in one year. There are so many reasons to do this, but I want to start by saying that friendships are incredibly valuable to me. As you read through, adventure is really just a mechanism to describe a goal of renewed and expanded friendships with so many of you. Yes, the goal is adventure, but as you read through you will see it is the people I am having the adventures with that really matter most.
65 adventures in one year!
That is more than one per week, and will require some work, planning and lots of help!
Before we gt any further, I need to acknowledge and express admiration for Sherry – who encourages me in so many of my crazy ideas. I could not begin to consider taking this journey without her support. I also could not do this without my children, Ali and Cam, who have taught me more about the meaning of life than anything I ever learned in school.
You may be wondering,
“what is an adventure, anyway?”
I am glad you asked – because I need you, my friends to help keep me honest. I am starting off with this definition (subject to refinement as we go). Each official adventure will occur during calendar 2025 and include at least one (hopefully more) of the following elements:
- Doing something I have never done before, or at least not done for a long time.
- Visiting a new place, or doing an activity in a totally new place (or a place I have not been for very long).
- Sharing activities with people who have not done/been there before or with people I have not connected with in a long time.
- Gathering a group of people who may not have ever been together before.
- An activity require substantial learning, creativity or innovation. In other words – get Larry out of his comfort zone!
Why now?
2025 is an exciting year for so many reasons. Due to the pandemic, I did not get to celebrate my 60th birthday, and I thought a one-night celebration of my 65th would be too short to have the lasting impact I am looking for. Also, as I recently stopped working, there is a self-challenge here to open up my vision of what a retired life can be. Can I shed my life-long obsession with my own productivity, and use this time to re-invent what retirement can mean for me? What new and lasting hobbies, ideas or friendships can I create through this process? What will I find that is new that I will carry into the future?
Come along for the ride!
I am inviting you to join me on this journey in four different ways: 1) Suggest adventures that I should do, or new things we can do together. 2) Join me on an adventure. 3) Be my judge and jury. Identify what really is an adventure and whether I am pushing hard enough. I want your feedback. 4) Read the blogs that accompany this website. I will report not only on the adventures themselves, but also on my journey along the way, some things that are coming up and thoughts about being 65 and entering a new stage of life.
Welcome 2025. Looking forward to sharing some adventure together!
– Larry